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Year-end tax settlement in Korea

by 모든 정보 제공 2023. 12. 14.

In Korea, year-end tax settlement is a process by which individuals and businesses reconcile their taxable income and tax liability for the previous year. It is a mandatory process for all taxpayers, and it is important to understand the requirements and procedures in order to file your tax return correctly.


What is year-end tax settlement?

Year-end tax settlement is a process by which the Korean government calculates the amount of tax that you owe for the previous year. The government uses information from your employer, bank, and other sources to determine your taxable income. You then have the opportunity to review this information and claim any deductions or credits that you are eligible for.

Who is required to file year-end tax settlement?

All individuals and businesses in Korea are required to file year-end tax settlement. This includes:

  • Korean citizens
  • Foreign nationals who are resident in Korea
  • Businesses, regardless of their size

When is year-end tax settlement due?

The deadline for filing year-end tax settlement is March 31 of the following year. However, you can file your return early, and you may be eligible for a refund if you do so.

How to file year-end tax settlement

You can file your year-end tax return online or by mail. To file online, you will need to create an account on the National Tax Service website. To file by mail, you will need to download the appropriate tax return form from the National Tax Service website and mail it to the appropriate address.

What documents do you need to file year-end tax settlement?

You will need to provide the following documents when you file your year-end tax return:

  • A copy of your employment contract
  • A copy of your salary slip
  • A copy of your bank statement
  • Any other documents that support your deductions or credits

Deductions and credits

There are a number of deductions and credits that you may be eligible for when you file your year-end tax return. These deductions and credits can help to reduce the amount of tax that you owe.

Common deductions include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Education expenses
  • Retirement savings
  • Donations
  • Moving expenses

Common credits include:

  • Child tax credit
  • Elderly tax credit
  • Disability tax credit
  • Earned income tax credit


If you have overpaid your taxes during the year, you may be eligible for a refund. You can claim a refund when you file your year-end tax return.


Year-end tax settlement is a complex process, but it is important to understand the requirements and procedures in order to file your tax return correctly. By following the tips in this blog post, you can make the process easier and avoid any penalties.

Additional information:

Here are some additional tips for filing your year-end tax return:

  • Start early. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to gather all of the necessary documents and review your information.
  • Be organized. Keep all of your tax documents in one place so that you can easily find them when you need them.
  • Use a tax preparation software. Tax preparation software can help you to quickly and easily file your tax return.
  • Ask for help if you need it. If you are not sure how to file your tax return, you can always ask for help from a tax professional.

I hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
